Wednesday, October 28, 2009

How to get back on track?

Dear friends,

I have gone back to not eating.

I'm having a terrible time.

We have no funds for my treatment (ie therapy, meds, etc.). I would like to take anxiety meds AND go to therapy weekly. I'm not sure I will be able to do either one.

I'm treading water, doggie-paddle style, and I don't know how much longer I will be able to withstand the tides......

I feel like I'm struggling to recover. Alone.

I wish I had better news to share.

I'm simply so anxious. I don't know what to do with my feelings. I don't have the skills to cope. Eating brings up my feelings. I hate my feelings. I feel that I don't have a right to feel or to have wants or needs.....and it's confusing and scary. And I've always been able to swallow my anger...when I eat, it begins to seep out and sometimes it explodes....

I'm sorry that I haven't written for a while. I will try to update more soon.

Bracha Tova

"Courage is not the towering oak that sees storms come and go; it is the fragile blossom that opens in the snow."
Alice M. Swaim

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

How can you help an anorexic?

Thank you Aba for your comments! I am going to address here as best I can how someone can help a friend or family member recover from anorexia.

My nutritionist recommended a book called "100 Questions and Answers About Anorexia Nervosa". I flipped through the part written for family and friends and picked out some ideas that I thought might be helpful to my husband and shared them with him, followed by a brief discussion about what we'd read. It went ok. He didn't have any comments but when I asked him if it was helpful he said "yes", however, he was unable to elaborate much.

I often ask my husband how I look. This book suggests that he bow out of any conversations regarding my appearance. I happen to think this is good advice! If he says I look good while I'm too thin, I will want to stay this way to please him. If he says I look good as I gain, I will either be upset that I've gained OR I will decide I have to be that weight to please him. The whole point here is for me to learn to love MY body on my own regardless of what anyone else thinks! I also need to look to myself for approval and love. If I learn to stop being co-dependent and approval seeking, this will be an important step towards a recovery that will last a lifetime.

I have my own personal needs and I am am willing to bet this will not be the same for all anorexics, but I am happy to share them! Please consider though that every person has different recovery needs and it might be helpful to ask them how you can support them directly. It also may be beneficial to ask their therapist how you can best support them in ways that will not feed their disease. Below I will explore the things I am learning through therapy that are helping my husband and I to support my healing journey in healthy positive ways.

The victim personality. Many anorexics believe the world has wronged them in some way. Don't let us talk about being a victim. As a woman who was abused sexually and emotionally, who was neglected in ways by her family, and who suffers physical illness, I have more than enough "amo" to make me feel victimized by the world and even by Hashem! I WAS a victim. Now I am safe and loved and that makes me a non-victim. I am working to change my mentality through CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy), techniques such as positive counter-statements, assertiveness and boundaries work, re framing, and others. I am using a book called The Anxiety and Phobia Workbook by author Edmund J. Bourne in therapy and it is making all of the difference in my recovery. If I am "acting the victim" there are several things my husband can do to help me. This does not come naturally to my husband so he is unable to joke with me and tease me, but it would great if could make me laugh at myself! "Are you dying today?", he may ask me with a grin. Or "That's my drama queen!" Humor is a great way to help me examine my behavior in a non-threatening way.

Of course, humor will not always work, (and how is he supposed to know when to use humor and when to take me seriously?). If I am crying, I would love for him to hold me and stroke my hair and tell me it's going to be ok. If holding me is not a possibility, he can sit with me and tell me how much he loves me and he can ask me how he can support me at that time. He should not, however, engage me in a conversation about what's wrong and should direct me instead towards a distraction when I seem less tense and my tears have dried. The idea of distractions i not my own invention, it was recommended by my CBT therapist. I like to read, sit in the yard and draw, (when it gets too cold to sit out, I light candles inside and draw and it feels very soothing!), play with our dog, snuggle, (without discussing anything deep!!), polish my nails or try makeup color combinations, paint, write, (no journaling allowed as that helps me dwell on feelings, so fiction only!), and a million other things! I think it helps to have a list handy of all the things I enjoy doing to remind me of healthy distractions as I am not usually able to think of them when I am in victim mode.

Independence and interdependence. I am quite dependent and co-dependent with my husband. As my ADHD is being treated, I am becoming less dependent on my husband for decision making and this is wonderful for both of us! I am still quite a co-dependent seeking his approval (and others in my life), and this is not healthy for our relationship. Approval seeking is a big part of anorexia for many anorexia and it keeps us sick by telling us we have to be pretty, nice, and good for others. My husband now says "What do you think," when I ask him how I look or what I think/feel about something. I am learning to have my own opinions, to trust my opinions, and to voice them as well. I am also learning to respect his needs and boundaries. In fact, I am even finding that I have boundaries for myself! I never believed I had a right to have my own needs and wants. This realization is very freeing, (though I still feel quite guilty for my needs and feelings and I am working to change this as it is an important part of my recovery. Anorexics feel guilty for many things and this can lead to their perfectionist tendencies).

My husband is not here to "save me" from my past and from the gaping holes inside of me from years of fear and pain. Now it is my job to heal myself! I am learning to re-direct my needs by using the distractions mentioned above when I feel that I "need" my husband to make everything okay for me. I make everything okay for me when I draw, for example, and get in touch with my feelings through art therapy. Anorexics don't like their feelings and they starve themselves as an addiction the same way an alcoholic uses alcohol to cover up their emotions and numb out. If I allow my husband to try to fill my "holes" I will never heal. Even if I return to a normal weight, I am likely to relapse. (I reached a normal weight in high school but I never dealt with my feelings and now I've been battling my anorexia for the past three years!)

My husband and I can do fun things together that we both enjoy. We don't have any money to spend right now, but we are trying to save up for a "photography" trip. We love to go camping and photography nature together! Until we have some money, we go to free museums or art exhibitions. We don't have kids, so we have the luxury of going out without having to pay for a babysitter. (Aba, if you have kids, perhaps you can you can occupy them with an activity they can do by themselves while you and your wife play a board game nearby, or something to that effect?) I think it's important to create a relationship built on more than just the"problems" and this is very hard for a person who believes she is a victim and is worthless unless something is wrong.

Wow, this got to be a long post! It was helpful to me write this out. I hope it helps others as well.

One more thing: I am making a ton of mistakes as I go. I am still struggling with my food and I have not been keeping to my meal plan. I have ups and downs and I am learning, slowly, that this is normal and healthy. I am also working on letting the mistakes go and keeping the successes close by!

Thanks for reading,

Bracha Tova

"Somewhere in the back of my brain there exists this certainty: the body is no more than a costume, and it can be changed at will. That the changing of bodies, like costumes, would make me into a different character, a character who might, finally, be all right." ---Wasted

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Yom Kippur mistakes, recovery plans

Dear friends,

I hope everyone had a very meaningful Yom Kippur!

Yom Kippur was difficult for me. I was instructed to start out eating by Shir and to stop fasting if my ED (eating disorder), showed any signs of slowing my recovery. I should have eaten and broke the fast...

I ate significantly less calories than my meal plan calls for and it has definitely offered the eating disorder “room to maneuver”.

I sent my nutritionist an e-mail first thing this morning, I have therapy today, and I’m writing hear to G-d willing ensure my continued recovery.

I don’t trust myself to “do this alone”. I feel FAT. I feel tired. I’m in physical pain (eating makes me bloated which puts pressure on my bladder and causes tremendous pain. I am unable to continue taking advil 4 times a day as it can cause stomach bleeding. My painful bladder syndrome, Interstitial cystitis, while not the cause of my anorexia, is definitely a significant contributor to my desire to stop eating!).

Why am I anorexic? In short, (read my story “Why I Chose Anorexia” coming soon! for more details), I am anorexic because it is easier to die than to face my feelings. It’s easier to slip away and disappear than it is to face ME.

My recovery plan for today: E-mail my nutritionist every bite I eat, do anxiety/feelings work in therapy, rest if I am in pain--very difficulty for me as I feel guilty for taking time to care for myself, (I have a great book from the library and Harry Potter DVD’s that I borrow from the library on hand in case of emergency for painful days, my goal is to use them if I need em'), I can write/paint, I love to be outdoors, (I often draw or read under my favorite tree), I can light some scented candles while I clean, (this always makes me feel special!), and do some journaling. Of course, I will not get to relax the whole day! I have to clean house, (we have a client coming over so this is not optional), and buy groceries. I have to make sure, however, to take time to rest! Pain is exhausting. I will assert myself today and take care of my needs. I will also do some work in The Anxiety and Phobia Workbook (Bourne) and The Food and Feelings Workbook (Koenig).

I feel fat. I am in pain that brings me to tears. I am scared of my feelings. I’m exhausted (I’m not sleeping great due to the pain). Wonderful reasons to let the anorexia win, right?


What feelings am I afraid of today? I’m afraid of feeling the physical pain and how emotional it makes me. I feel weak and vulnerable when I get emotional and this feels scary and out of control. I’m feeling overwhelmed by the pain, angry that I have to suffer, exhausted from fighting, guilty for eating/drinking (food and water, my only beverage option, cause me pain. I feel like I’m being punished and that is why I’m sick with IC! I also have a "mistaken belief" that I am making myself by eating/drinking...). I feel fed up with being sick. I feel unsure that the pain will end (my IC flares don’t usually last this long!). I feel so much…..and the feelings are mostly negative.

I do however have spending time outdoors to look forward to, and watching the sunrise. Eating my homemade French bread and olive oil dip (one of my specialties, I enjoy baking bread!).

I hope that I can hold on to hope today and continue my recovery.

Thanks for reading and sharing my recovery with me today,

Bracha Tova

P.S. I just re-read this post, (I do that before posting!), and something important occurred to me. I am still not feeling my feelings. I am merely stating them, writing them down in black and white. I am adding another goal for my recovery today: spend 5-10 minutes FEELING my feelings and then journal/post about it!

"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle." Albert Einstein

Thursday, September 24, 2009

The road is long...searching for hope!

Dear friends,

Recovery is difficult today. Last night I saw a picture of myself where I was 3 pounds below my "recovery goal weight" (designed by my nutritionist and myself together), and my husband said I looked average (in terms of weight). I know I shouldn't ask him these things--but I do and I hope he will learn how to respond. How can I help him understand he is feeding my anorexia? I plan to tell him how I feel. I need him to know/understand that I must be SKINNY in his eyes. He also said I don't look anorexic to him right now...but the bones in my back still stick out. (He comes from a very skinny family, himself included, but it doesn't matter! He must learn about anorexia so that he is more sensative to my situation. I suppose I will be teaching him as he will not come to therapy or a nutrition appointment). I am hurting over this. I am also physically in pain as I have something called interstitial cystitis (painful bladder syndrome). I haven't had a flare/been in pain in 4 months. Now that I am eating again, the pain/flare is back. It seems that the more I eat, the more pressure is put on my bladder...

I am still eating...but today is going to be extra difficult after my husband's comments last night and the pain I get when I eat while in a flare. G-d will have to help me through this...

How am I still eating? The pain in my husband's face/eyes when I get out of control emotionally because I'm starving is the only reason I keep eating. Now if I can just get him to support me the way I need...

On another note, our dog broke a glass window last night! She often leaps at the window when a cat shows up and she finally broke the window. Just in time for Succos! The theme that G-d Himself is the only One Who can protect us and Who gives us life is clear to me. It is also clear to me that G-d wants me alive in this world right now...though I cannot say why?

The road is long and painful...but I have hope that the sun will set on the darkness and there is light peeping through. I just hope I find the light soon...

Take care!

Bracha Tova

"Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent."
Eleanor Roosevelt

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Hi, I'm Bracha Tova...

Bracha Tova is a Hebrew name. Bracha means Blessing and Tova means good.

I am a Blessing for the good, and so are you.

Why did I name my blog Bracha Tova?

I am a religious Jew and I am trying to recover from anorexia nervosa. This blog will be a reminder to me on my journey to recovery that I am indeed a Blessing for the GOOD.

This blog will document my journey through my recovery. How I'm doing, what is inspiring me, pieces of my journal, and other things I feel like sharing along the way! I also hope to share some of my writing and creative works.

Who am I? I am a 30 something year old woman, a balaas t'shuva, and I have anorexia. Anorexia has been my identity since around the age of 11. (I learned recently that this is NOT an identity but a lackthereof, thank you to my nutritionist for that one!) I like nature, writing, reading, art (painting, drawing, collage, and art museums), museums, singing, music, photography, Harry Potter, animals, poetry, sunsets, being outdoors, libraries, cozy things (like tea and flannels), and many other things too!

I look forward to your comments! Thanks for stopping by.

Bracha Tova

"Plant your own garden and decorate your own soul, instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers."
Veronica A. Shoffstall